Innovation Practicum

Venture Building | Real Project Development

Innovation and Practicum Support Services

Digital Entrepreneurship

Digital Venture Building
Guided Real Project Development with eConsortium Plan Award

Innovate and create. Start-up or Scale-up
New Enterprise Development

  • Practice based Project Development
  • Local and international business support
  • Real and Virtual spaces for collaborative innovation

Inclusive Support features

Innovation Practicum Program

Customized for
Education and business and professional service providers
BPII – Qcircle Consultant / Mentor or in-house Advisory Team
Start-ups and entrepreneurs who need networked practical support or team up with fellow members for inter-disciplinary project or in-house support.

Key Features
Find a eConsortium Partner to aid your development
Create a Project Team | Innovate with our eVenture Resources
For location based practicum, select a local advisor/ePartner

Co-project Development | In-house or Online

Apply | Singapore Program 

Apply | Australia Program

Innovation Proposal | Online Application